Statement of Values

World Congress of Science and Factual Producers (WCSFP) promotes evidence-based rational discourse; a spirit of international cooperation, collaboration and mutual respect; and the open and honest exchange of knowledge and insight between members. WCSFP affirms its commitment to equity and inclusiveness in all aspects of its organization and will work to ensure that in all our activities there is no discrimination on the basis of, but not limited to, ethnicity, language, race, age, ability, sex, sexual or gender identity, sexual orientation, family status, nationality, place of birth, generational status, political or religious affiliation.

To this end, WCSFP strives to ensure that:

  • Discriminatory or oppressive behaviours are not tolerated;
  • Individuals who engage with WCSFP are valued participants who have opportunities to shape and evaluate our programs;
  • Programs are delivered in such a way to encourage participation and to eliminate barriers for access so that positive relations and attitudinal change towards marginalized groups are promoted;
  • Communication materials present a positive and balanced portrayal of people’s diverse experiences.

WCSFP also acknowledges the profound negative impact of human activity on the Earth’s climate and environment and will work towards minimizing its footprint on the planet in all its activities while encouraging members at its conference to assist in this goal.

Social Impact

Our attendees are comprised of best-in-class factual filmmakers, digital producers, broadcasters, distribution platforms, and the scientists, researchers, and subject-matter experts who are central figures in the projects our community produces. Working together, they bring content that’s both entertaining and informative to mass audiences around the world.

Ready to get involved?

To discuss how you can get involved, or explore a new idea, contact Conference Director, Paul Lewis at

Green Initiatives

In recognition of the environmental implications of hosting a large market event, the WCSFP is committed to doing our part to minimize our environmental footprint and impact. Info about the Congress '24 venue and event will be available in late summer 2024.


Digital vs. Printed Materials: Each year, Congress reduces its printed materials by opting for digital options wherever possible. To aid delegates in their Congress experience, a limited guide has been printed with full details and resources available through the Swapcard app and event platform.

Digital Exhibitor Booths: While there are a limited number of exhibitor booths on site, partners have been encouraged to take advantage of our Swapcard app and event platform by sharing resources, promotions and information through digital exhibitor booths.

The Buzzies: Green Impact of the Year Award: Congress celebrates environmental partners in the industry with our annual award for Green Impact of the Year. Each year, the award honours a media organization that has made significant changes to reduce its impact on the environment or shifted public attitudes or policies on the environment.

Conference Venue: The Congress seeks out host venues that operate with an awareness of their impact and who take significant efforts to reduce their carbon footprint through policies and infrastructure improvements. This may include actions around water efficiency, waste management, clean energy sources, engaging local vendors and suppliers, and offering sustainably produced food and beverage menus.

Bring Your Reusable Water Bottles: Stay hydrated at this year's Congress by bringing your own reusable water bottle. Water stations with limited recyclable cups will be available throughout the venue. All members are encouraged to do their part by bringing their own reusable water bottle.

As we continue to plan this year's Congress and future editions, WCSFP will look for additional opportunities to decrease our environmental impact. If you know a partner that would like to help support Congress in green initiatives, please contact conference director Paul Lewis at